My husband became frustrated with me on multiple occasions as I sweated over a new project or role. I would worry that the role was too much for me, that I was not ready for it, or that I simply did not have the knowledge. He would remind me that I felt the same way the last time I had a new opportunity but that I did not mess up as I had feared.
I occasionally have the honor of mentoring other professionals that suffer from a similar lack of confidence as their roles progress. They worry that the Peter Principle will catch up to them or that this role is the one that taps them out.
But, let’s be clear…you have already demonstrated that you are smart and competent. Even if you are not a subject matter expert in {fill in the blank}, you are smart enough to learn what you need to on the topic and apply your considerable talents to that knowledge.
So take the stretch assignment. Trust that your brain will work (it has before!).
Agree or no?
Here's the entire list of lessons that ring true for me: